Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2012

Waad Al Baghdady real Face

1 Kommentar:


    Waad Al-Baghdadi’s: a thief, a crook a rapist and a police informant
    is the story of the thief of Baghdad

    Waad Al-Baghdadi ( Commander Ali Dizai's witness) is the the person who has raped this innocent girl. But the Brirish media have been prevented from naming him and stating the fact that on 16th of September 2011 he was sent to prison for stealing from the British Tax Payer. Only in UK a rapist who is a benefit cheat can be protected in this way. Shame on those who are protecting him.

    Waad Al-Baghdadi Went to UK in 2003 and lied about his name, date of birth and country of birth. He said he was Iraqi. In fact he was born in Maydan Khrasoon and was selling heroin in the streets of Tehran from the age of 12. He was well known began stealing benefit money from the British public straight away on his arrival became a police informant selling information about others for money lied about Commander Ali Dizaei whilst being paid by the police. His lies meant Ali Dizaei spent a year in prison.
